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Browsing Archive: January, 2010

Quite a week!

Posted by Tim Dixon on Friday, January 29, 2010,
We have had fantastic weather this week. Sunshine and temps in the single digits. The only snow is along the hedgerows.
Today, however is a different story. Have about a foot and a half of snow and its going to get cold and blow.

Calving wasn't the best this week. We had one born dead yesterday and one laid on last night. Here's a story you won't believe... We had a heifer calve last week and she lost the calf but she wasn't done, she had another a week later! The vet says this is extremely rar...
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Here we go!

Posted by Tim Dixon on Saturday, January 23, 2010,
While I think we lead a pretty typical life here on the farm, I thought you might like to hear about some of the day to day happenings that take place here. Everything from newborn calves to expensive repair bills! Check back periodically or subscribe and receive updates as they happen.

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